Introduction |
For the beginning I want to say that english isn’t my native language so I invite you to be patient with this text.Although I have tried to be explicit in the presentation of my ideas I understand I must work a lot with my english .So … thank you for understanding. I write this thesis to obtain my posuniversity degree before two years in which I studied iformatics at Technical University in Cluj-Napoca.There are two verision of this publication : one of them is in romanian ( it was writen to bepublic presented at the finish of my school) and other one is in english .In both I presented the some ideas but the english version is quite more accesible , which means it is more simple to read and understand .I prefer myself the english version.I decided to write also this thesis in enghish because I just build my personal web site and I want to put on it this piece of work.So , what I write in english is for publishing in Internet and what I write in romanian is for public oral presentation ( it must be writen more rigorous ). In this presentation I used a lot of pictures because I observed on myself that is quite simple to remember something what you learn ( even a long period ago ) if you make an association with one image on the text from which you read that piece of information.An other advantage of using a full of image text is the short of time in which you may be understood. What present this text ? So , If I want to be quickly I give you this answer : there is a virtual situation in which an enterprise must extend its commercial and financial operations over multiple locations on wide geografical area .So, this commercial society ask me to design a project for its network infrastructure . This isn’t the final because they warned me that the new network must carry a lot of confidential information and must work without any failures.Oh , I’m in big trouble !.So what am I going to do ? This text will give you some answers to this question. The text has three parts .In the firs I presented some theoretical aspects about the networking & internetworking .I explained there some aspect about OSI model, TCP/IP , switching , routing , network domains, network types etc .The text is quite easy to understand . The second part is for the aplications .More exactly there I write how I consider to implement the theory which I have learned for one year , in practice designing the project for that enterprise .So , nothing more , nothing less. The third party is in conclusition.I also put there some of the financial aspects . So this is my thesis. How did I write this text and where is it ? I used Microsoft Word 2000 , Adobe Acrobat 4.0 , Adobe Photoshop and Visio 2000.I worked on Windows 2000 Professional ( which I cosider is the best OS from Microsoft ) with SP 1.. I printed a copy af the romanian version ( just for graduation ) and I put also the romanian version and the english version on the Internet .You can get it at : on the VPN link . Who am I ? I ‘m 26 , I graduated the Faculty of Medicine in ’99 in Cluj-Napoca
( Romania) , I worked about 13 month as a beginner physician .I have worked
as a programmer since February 2001 in a small software company .I finished
also a Cisco Academy ‘s CCNA course and I ‘m preparing for the CCNA certification.
antohe daniel June 2001
Antohe Daniel
All rights reserved.June 2001